Sunday, June 22, 2014


           New snippet omg! Greyson really is the best when it comes to making new music. The sound of the piano is just perfect, I am so excited. I can't wait for Planet X [raise your hand if you are too] I love this so much even though it's just a snippet. I keep on repeating it. I love it so much.

Friday, June 13, 2014


             Greyson made his snapchat account brb gonna make a snapchat account too! lol to be honest, i only made twitter because of Greyson Chance and now I'm addicted to it. His username by the way is 'greysonofficial' and one Enchancer received a 'snap'[he calls it that] from Greyson and he freakin signed it! I WONDER WHEN WILL THAT EVER HAPPEN TO ME.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2 Great News

             I am so proud of Greyson, wanna know why? because his song Temptation finally got 200k views hooray! Also Zachary Gordon, and yes he's the guy from the movie "The Wimpy Kid". I love that movie very much, I mean, who doesn't? Anyway, Zach tweeted about GreyGrey last Monday. I was stalking Zach because the Enchancers kept on talking about him on twitter so I got really curious and yea.

BOW DOWN TO ZACH!!!!! Tysm Zach for apprecitaing Greyson's art. It means so much to each and everyone of us especially Greyson.